Asia Pacific Journal of Society and Law


Editor-in-Chief:Guoqiang Zhao

Article Processing Charges:600(USD)

Publishing Frequency: Quarterly

Publishing Model : Open Access

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The Asia Pacific Journal of Society and Law (PAJSL) is an open access,  peer reviewed journal publishing innovative research in the broad field of society and law scholarship. Rooted in the distinctive Pacific Asia society and law movement, PAJSL features international scholarship concerning the intersection of law and sociology, cultural studies, literature, political science, criminology, history, human rights, gender studies and political economy. The journal is supported by International Academic Communication Committee, China-Asia Economic Development Association. The PAJSL is a wide circulation in Pacific Asia and beyond. We publish a wide range of pieces, including articles, theoretical developments, results of empirical studies, reviews and comments on the field or its methods of inquiry, and general notes of interest for the research community.



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Urban Development Scientific Publishing

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Posted: 2024-01-11 More...
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Vol 1, No 2 (2024)

Table of Contents


71 Views, 35 PDF Downloads
Yuan Cao


Movie companies utilizing financing tools for fundraising can contribute to a  healthy and orderly development of the film industry. However, the inherent risks behind unconventional financing activities, such as policy risks, investment return risks, and compliance risks, make it a high-risk endeavour. These risks not only impact the development of the film industry but also have the potential to trigger economic security risks and other repercussions. The normative means of civil judgments for contract disputes mainly rely on determining contract effectiveness, which, compared to administrative supervision, has  limitations. Administrative supervision, on the other hand, faces the  challenges of a  regulatory vacuum and a need for  clear guidelines. Therefore, it is crucial to establish a balanced approach that prioritizes both government regulation and industry development. This involves implementing partical  institutional arrangements, guiding through legislation, government supervision, judicial assistance, and encouraging self-discipline within enterprises. This multi-stakeholder collaborative governance model should be constructed based on  existing legal regulations.

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Qinjun Sun


Promoting Chinese-style modernization is an important task in realizing the millennium ambitions of the Chinese nation. The construction of a Chinese national community serves as a potent ideological weapon for consolidating consensus among various ethnic groups, rallying unity, and advancing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the comprehensive modernization drive. It is an inevitable requirement for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and a steadfast guarantee for advancing Chinese-style modernization. In the process of promoting Chinese-style modernization, continuous efforts must be made to advance the construction of the Chinese national community, solidifying correct historical, ethnic, national, cultural, and religious perspectives. This entails building a shared spiritual home for Chinese-style modernization, fostering interactions, exchanges, and integration among ethnic groups, enhancing the modernization level of the governance system and capabilities in ethnic affairs, and resolutely guarding against significant risks and hidden dangers in the ethnic domain.


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